Home Natmandap Bapu



Bapu is the most recent production by Natmandap. The play has been directed by Parvez Akhtar and performed by Javed Akhtar Khan. The play was first performed in Prem Chandra Rangshala, Patna in March 2017. The event was three days long and had seminars and exhibition on Mahatma Gandhi. The play revolves around the plight and suffering of Gandhi in his last few days.


The seminar had a lecture session by Nanda Kishor Acharaya who is the Playwright of “Bapu”. The topic of the seminar was Gandhi and the Contemporary World. Bapu has been performed seven times till date. Important festivals in which the play has been performed include Shudrak Festival, Kolkata; Adi Vidrohi Festival, Bhopal.